
Editor rating: Rating: ★★★½☆
User rating: [End of post]

LiveDrive is a popular online backup services and has an array of interesting features such as

Automatic updates: Files are uploaded online as soon as they are edited, so you have all the latest information backed up

Easy Restoration: Allows you to restore your files at any time, all deleted files are kept safe for up to 30 days, in case you want to recover them

Unlimited Storage: At a time when the popular online backup providers are increasing prices and reducing storage space, LiveDrive still offers unlimited storage space so you can upload all your music, videos, documents and downloads

Cross compatibility: LiveDrive works on both Mac and PC which covers more than 95% of computers

FTP access: allows users to upload their data straight onto their LiveDrive account using ftp, handy for accessing your files or uploading from a third party computer

Bandwidth control: LiveDrive allows users to limit their LiveDrive bandwidth usage based on a percentage of total bandwidth, while this is useful it would be far better of LiveDrive used smart bandwidth throttling to use full capacity when the computer is idle, so it can work more effectively.

The positives

Unlimited storage is very useful as it allows you to backup all the data you want, which is particularly effective as many backup providers are scaling down their storage allowances.

Multi computer support as handy as it allows end users to transfer and synchronise files between computers.

Local LAN transfer means if you’re at home and want to transfer files between your desktop and laptop PC, you can transfer files through your ethernet or wifi connection, which means much faster access for you.


The negatives

The java based backup utility feels a bit sluggish to run on slower computers, the sluggishness is particularly noticeable on netbooks.

LiveDrive uses a briefcase drive which is placed in “My Computer” for PC users, which is handy as your files as closer to the root, and therefore easily accessible, however this means that users will have to switch from using their Libraries to using the LiveDrive briefcase drives, which will require a change in working habits. Windows uses the Libraries as the default opening and saving location, which means you have to browse to LiveDrive briefcase manually. Most other online backup providers backup your exisiting folders.

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